Crystalline Rainbow

Archive for June, 2018

Grow and Develop within Divine Intelligence

Grow and develop within Divine Intelligence

Yellow Wave 12, July 1 through July 13, 2018

KIN 144 – KIN 156

Galactic Portals – July 3 – July 12

July 13 – New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse

Flora in the Heart Artwork.Olivia Curry.Yellow Wavespell

General Information:

Core: the gifted, knowing when to blossom into fruitation, ripening

Seed is the collective of all talents, creativity and potential.

Questions to explore:

What do you wish to flourish into being?

What is needed to allow the seed into its germination?

To do tips: A space to go into action (life and its expansion) and to work, set your focus on bringing it forward. Plant your seed in fertile ground. Ask via Inner Guidance what is needed. Be patient and be creative within the sharing and coming together with All.

Yellow Wave 12

Galactic Activation Portals symbolizes an invitation to enter gateways of expanded consciousness and amplify your awareness of energy flows and information exchange. It reflects the basic pattern of our DNA double helix. Integrating the galactic code of light into the genetic code of life, this “portal” formation is a resonant structure linked to the activation of our full DNA potential.

KAN.Yellow Seed   LAMAT.Yellow Star    EB.Yellow Human    CIB.Yellow Warrior





Spiritually resonating within the Sacred Fire of Initiating Growth and Development in learning the inner and outer resources of Artistic Skills in their Elegance and Beauty (within the Galactic Activation Portal) flowing beyond to the free will of choosing within this harmony of passion, enthusiasm and directness (within the Galactic Activation Portal) to be in the goal of the New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse of Questioning within Divine Guidance of Communication of Mind, Will and Spirit picking up the staff of galactic empowerment!

CHICCHAN.Red Serpent    MULUC.Red Moon    BEN.Red Skywalker

Physically resonating within the Sacred Earth of learning to work together as One whilst the Life Force moves the kundalini energy flow to go beyond in the balance of equality of self-remembrance of who we are in purity renewing the Being of flexibility, adaptability, resilience and ability to change states to move into the learning of manifesting the production of exploring the wakefulness capacities (within the Galactic Activation Portal).

CIMI.White Worldbridger    OC.White Dog    IX.White Wizard

Emotionally resonating within the Sacred Air/Ether of learning to develop the service of possibilities and solutions via Releasing or letting die that which no longer serves the Highest Good of Love in All Relationships (within the Galactic Activation Portal) going beyond to grow within the Source of inspiration for yourself, others and projects resonating Pure Heart Love in All Relationships guided by the Spirit of Inspired Communication (within the Galactic Activation Portal) to be liberated in allowance and surrender of forgiveness, humbleness and acceptance of the Wizard, Inner Shaman or Jaguar in the Presence of Now enchanted by the receptivity of expansion (within the Galactic Activation Portal).

MANIK, Blue_Hand    CHUEN.Blue  Monkey    MEN.Blue Eagle

Mentally resonating within the Sacred Water of growth and development forming the Divine Knowing of step by step accomplishment and healing (within the Galactic Activation Portal) to go beyond within integrity, integration and harmony of innocent humor, playfulness and magic envisioning creation (within the Galactic Activation Portal) to discover, share and give expression to insights in openness and love of this created vision within the guidance of catalyzing the self-generation energy flow of renewal and reconfiguration (within the Galactic Activation Portal).

Omh Yum Hunab Ku Evam Maya E Ma Ho

All Hail the Harmony of Mind and Nature


Ref.:see also


Sacred Sound Journey in Silence

together with the Tibetan and Crystal Singing Bowls

Summer Solstice – June 21, 2018 – Worldwide Meditation – sunrise and sunset

Crystal Elders calling today, Monday, June 18 in attunement and alignment

preparing for the Summer Solstice

21 June, 2018 connecting with Worldwide Gathering at Ravne Park 2, Visoko, Bosnia

Bosnian Pyramids at 17:00 hours for the Golden Sun Ceremony and worldwide

in the flow until 22:00 hours

Today is the beginning of the Tzolkin Blue Wave 11. Mission or theme is KIN131 – Chuen, Blue Magnetic Monkey of Humor, Playfulness and Magic. Goal of the wave KIN 143 – Akbal, Blue Cosmic Night of Abundance, Silence, Sacred Sanctuary.

We are in the flow of allowance and surrender.




May the Eastern supportive energetic spiral sharing the Sacred Fire BE the Harmony of Beauty and Elegance for the Highest Good for All.


May the Northern spiral movement Sacred Water Multidimensional Guidance Be the Spine of Innocence within the Divine Child of the Highest Good for All.

20180618_0929041908637839.jpgMay the Western spiral movement of the Sacred Earth with its challenges, strengthening and open space of opportunities Be the Birthing of nourishing nature within the embracement of the Ancient Mother/Ancient Grandmothers.


May the Southern spiral movement of Sacred Air/Ether with its Hidden Power of the Soul reveal the flourishing flower of Consciousness of Pure Heart Love in All Relationships as One Unified Space.


May for the Highest Good for All be transformed the Rainbow Crystalline Clear Quartz Clusters plus 2 Sacred Stones from the Bosnian Pyramids in Visoko including All Sacred Stone Circles, Pyramids, Temples, Sacred Places, Sacred Circles and Sacred Ceremonies be centered, grounded and anchored. So be it! So it is!


Gratitude, Gratitude, Gratitude





Thursday, June 14 and Friday, June 15- Continuation of Journey in Visoko, Bosnia

Thursday, June 14. 2018 

Continuation Journey within Visoko, Bosnia

 Light code: 127:10:16 

Note: photographs are mainly from Google Images, otherwise the photographer is stated under the photograph.


Had a deep good night sleep in the apartment where I stayed. Woke up and recognised that the open space was there to be more in a relaxation mood. It was rainy all day which certainly contributed to the bath of rest.


First of all was to organise a taxi for tomorrow to Sarajevo Airport for the return home. Along with this I also wished to go to the market as well.

I also had some digestion problems from yesterday actually a purification. The lady of the apartment (family doctor in her profession) advised me to take some probiotic. I had taken some Schussler salts with me for this so this served very well. She offered a cup of coffee and bakhlaffa (sorry the spelling is not correct but a great settler when you are not eating too much.

Chaga Mushroom grows on Birch tree

I also showed her something I bought yesterday at a stand at the Pyramids of “Chaga”. She was very interested and well known with it. We exchanged visiting cards with each other. In case you are interested on you tube there is a presentation under the title “What is chaga?”.


Whilst looking for a taxi driver at the “Hotel Piramida Sunca” taxi stand I once noticed again the taxi driver “Cicvara Nedzad” mobile +387(0)61/176-508 email: We agreed to meet drive tomorrow to Sarajevo Airport at 09:00 hours. It worked out perfectly.


After this I went to walk to the market. On the way I saw the owner of the apartment were I stayed and he drove me to the Sunca Center Shopping Mall. We drove by the hospital where his wife worked as a family doctor. It was raining still and he offered me an umbrella but I had already one in my backpack as well. A very considered man to assist here thank you very much.

I felt a signal to take a rest and went back to the apartment to meditate in allowance and surrender.

Later on I enjoyed a walk along the river in the rain. Tomorrow is the Sugar Feast for All. Such pleasant scents came from the kitchen preparing for the feast tomorrow.


Friday, June 15, 2018 – Continuation Journey within Visoko, Bosnia –

 Light code: 128:11:17

Had another good night sleep with many healings in consciousness and unconsciousness. Woke up refreshed at 08:00 hours to finalise the packing of the suitcase and backpack for the flights from Sarajevo – Istanbul – Amsterdam.

All went well and many times the Sugar feast was repeated during the journey.


The digestion problems were solved so it was a pleasant day for travelling. This time I flew with Pegasus Airlines. A very comfortable airline to travel with.

At the Istanbul Airport met a man from Belgium who just came from Russia. We had a very interesting conversation together which certainly passed the transfer open space.

Arriving at Schiphol Airport at 22:00 hours it felt like I had been away for weeks instead of 8 days. From here I took the train to Amsterdam and from there to Alkmaar. In Alkmaar I took the bus to arrive in Heerhugowaard were I live at 23:00 hours.

Gratitude for this Presence.




Wednesday, June 13, 2018 – Continuation Journey within Visoko, Bosnia

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Continuation Journey within Visoko, Bosnia

New Moon – Partial Solar Eclipse

Light code: 126:9:15

megalit stone in tunnel

Note: photographs are mainly from Google Images, otherwise the photographer is stated under the photograph.


Had a good night sleep in the apartment where I stayed. Felt like a good intensity flow today – letting go of and allowing the open space to present itself.


Alone and listening to the inner multidimensional vibes, allowing and surrendering to the flow in the Presence of Now, the first step was to go to the bank exchanging Euro’s for Bosnian Marks. Than went to a Taxi stand by “Hotel Piramida Sunca” in the center of Visoko City to go to the Tunnel Ravne and the Park of the Bosnian Pyramids. It was a short ride and we arrived at 11:00 hours.

bridge in Visoko

Some General Information of Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun:, email

It has been generating, maintaining and enriching Schuman resonance of 7,83 Hz which is ideal for physical, mental and spiritual advancement. Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun amplifies orgone energy (chi, life, prana) – subtle energy form connected with balance and well-being of All that are in its surroundings.

The Labyrinth Ravne and its magical network of underground tunnels, rooms, intersections and lakes, built over 30,00 years ago. Seven Runic symbols have been discovered on one of the ceramic blocks in the Underground Labyrinth Ravne: “thorn” – “rad” – “cen” – “l” – “ioh” -” tiw” and “eoh”.


According to the US Professor Bobbie Scarfe and based on Ralph H. Bum’s book “The Book of Runes”, possible translation would go like this:


Gate is closed, we are on standstill.

We will have to fight to defend and conquer,

Until we are able to go through the Stargate”.


Tunnel Ravne

A lady guide stepped forward introducing herself as “Djana” and asked if I would first buy a ticket at the ticket office just behind me to go into the Tunnel. Another topic was to wait for others to join us so that a group would be formed. The donation for this guided tour is Euro 10,00.


Agreeing with each other that this was a good idea the other students/guides, most of them university students, asked if I would play “Poker cards” with them. So, we had some laughs and competitive flow for a while awaiting for more tourists to come.


At a certain moment, some tourists showed up but apparently, they wished another language guide. So “Djana” gave a sign that we would go together into the Tunnel. I asked her if it was okay for me to wear the Crystal Bundle (including Crystals and Crystal Skulls) around my neck so that it was in front of the heart area, plus place the bundle on the Megalith Stones. She said, “this is not a problem at all”. Then, she related that she was finishing off her Management & Business Degree at the University. Her English was fluent and had much knowledge of sharing the details of the Tour. She also said that she could feel a good connection with each other.

bosnianpyramid.orientated towards the North

Personal note: Used to energy work especially concerning “clear quartz”, which is one of the basis of the Pyramids I could feel it going through my body, emotions, mental state and spiritual plus hearing messages and seeing some special areas it was amazing to experience the different passageways and the Bovis Biometer plus the intensity of it. Sometimes before even the A4 sheet mentioned it I could feel the rising of the frequency which was also shown on the Bovis charts as well. Along with this once more the “Raster” came forward. This time it was to give more clarity in its message (see photograph). Just loved the silent areas and where you could place your hands on the Megalith Stone. It also reminded me of Atlantis, Lemuria but even before this period. The Crystal Bundle was buzzing regularly and placed on the center of the Megalith Stones K etc.

Raster.Pyramids of Bosnian


She, guide Djana, also noticed that I had already done some research work beforehand which certainly was motivating for both of us. I could ask her questions that went deeper into the subject.

Djana, guide, was so kind when I asked her if we go further than the K1 and K2 that is in the tour, she also took me to K5 (which is usually part of the tour under the intention of “Meditation”.

Ernie Zayat.11

Above photograph taken by Ernie Zayat who is now in Visoko, Bosnia

Here are some other photographs taken by Ernie Zayat

Ernie Zayat.10

Ernie Zayat.9

Ernie Zayat.8

Ernie Zayat.6

Ernie Zayat.5


Ernie Zayat.4

Ernie Zayat.2

Ernie Zayat.1

Especially the connection with Water is amazing. Remember we also carry 80% within our bodies as well.

Water.Bosnian Pyramid

Some more photographs via Google images

Megalith Stones

At the end of the Tour – a small clear quartz point called from the bundle to be given to Djana to support her in her exams etc. She was amazed and thankful that the crystal world recognized her. Gratitude Crystal Elders.


Archaeological and Tourist Park “Ravne 2”

General Information: The beautiful park of nature, positive energy, stone installations, recreation, meditation, dance, children’s playgrounds, fountains, megalithic circles, stone balls, harmony with nature, venue for festivals and fairs. It is the most beautiful park in southern Europe. Surface of 50,000 square miles. Ideal for Team Building and Anti Stress and Yoga Retreats.


The first area that pulled was:

Tunnel Park.Pyramid of the Sun

Entering this was a calling to go first to the left. Just before continuing a rough stone called part of it was from Jasper. A gracious “dog” was lying down on the East, she was beckoning with her energies to come forward. She felt very “Sirian” vibrated which is one of the Star Homes that I am connected too. Here I felt again a swirling of spiral going first to the left than to the right. Pausing in between a few times and toning along the way. The Crystal Bundle also wished to be placed in the center here for a while. As I walked back to rest for a while here a couple from Austria started to communicate with me about the energy lightwork they share. Especially the lady felt very much like a sister from heart to heart. She asked a question and guidance related that she would stand by the Center Stone and tone her name. At first, she found it very difficult but gradually she came forward with that special heart sound. She than toned her partners name and he responded by toning her name. I asked him also to tone his own name as well. This went back and forth for a while.

Ravne Park.1


The next circle was calling so once more the Crystal Bundle was placed here as well whilst in Silence I could feel the connection with the Bosnian Pyramids being integrated with all other Pyramids and Sacred Temples around the Earth. The Infinity of the Trinity.

Tunnel Park.Pyramid of the Sun

The next area was:

The Triangle. Here a reminder came through of the Merkaba Light Body Activation. If you look at the photograph at the top you can see it. Here is the Triangle of the Male Energy. Once more the Crystal Bundle called to be placed on the center Stone which is the Heart vibrational frequency. So, I stood here for a while with the codes of the Light Body flowing. Than I was guided to stand on the other side of the Triangle which carried the Female Energy. Same happened here as well the Light Activation. Than the two triangles merged as One and started spinning to BE the light vehicle. (For more information see Drunvalo Melchizedek – Merkaba via a search machine)

Ravne Park.2

From here I walked through the Portal or Passageway to go onwards through an area with many trees encircled by stones with colors on them. Once more the swirling spinning was felt.

Yoga platform.Ravne Park

Onwards to the platform of the Yoga. The Crystal Bundle asked to be placed in the Center here whilst the small Tibetan Singing Bowl called to resonate here as well. Also, some toning was coming forward as well. I could see and feel that this was activating even more clearly the vibrations that are present here.

Walking further there was a sign of the Magical Forest. Here was a Labyrinth upon entering as I walked through it a renewal was noticed. A bliss of Joy was felt whilst walking through this open space.


From here I walked back to go on a different path where a small spiral of herbs and wild flowers was present. Here I tasted some Peppermint herbs and rubbed some flowers of the Lavender on my hands to take in the scent of this Sacred Plant.

Park Ravne.Piramide of the Sun

Also walked through the Happy Lane where stones were engraved with various symbols. This certainly was a resonance of the Unified Oneness or Wholeness we all carry within.

From here I walked back to the coffee shop that sold Smoothies. Needed to Detox that was ready to be released. Once more I saw the couple from Austria with their dog here. We talked some more together and they stated to state their wish to go through the tunnel but were unable to take the dog with them. I offered to stay with the dog until they came out of the tunnel. A rain and thunder occurred that replenished the area. It was fun just sitting there in silence with the grace of the “Sirian” dog.


Than appeared the man, Ernie Zayat, with another lady that we met during the ceremony on top of the Pyramid of the Sun. We had a small conversation together and we decided to meet up at 18:30 hours at the Restoran Most for dinner in the center of Visoko town. I told him that there was a calling to exchange sessions with each other as well and he felt the same.


Our talk and exchange of sessions was very enlightened. I left his apartment at approximately 22:00 hours. Upon returning to the apartment where I stayed the couple was very happy to see me there as they felt that I was lost somewhere and not able to find them.


So it is! So it will Be!








Continue Journey in Visoko, Bosnia – June 12, 2018

June 12, 2018 – Visoko, Bosnia

Note: the images where taken from “Google Images”. Gratitude to those for the sharing.

In the morning went to meet Lejla at “Restoran Most” . Once inside there was also 2 people from France that also where there to share with Lejla. Had a wonderful salad.

bridge in Visoko

Today moved to another place (room in apartment) in the city center with a wonderful, loving family. It was a warm welcome to meet this couple there in their peaceful, warm and clean home. Gratitude

Together with Lejla we walked to her apartment to share sessions together. Lejla had been gifted 7 stones together with an Eagle Feather plus a stone holder, from an Ancient Grandmother in New Zealand/Australia. She asked me to hold each stone and to tell her the story that it conveyed to me. Sorry to say I do not remember the stories conveyed  since it was in a channeling state. Although there was one I do remember by the last stone it conveyed a “Raster with Light Codes in it”. In each cube of the Raster it contained light languages or Ancient Codes. Later on the next day (Wednesday) when I was in the Ravne Tunnel I saw it on one of the billboards without the Light Codes/Ancient Codes.

Raster.Pyramids of Bosnian

Personal Note: It also felt like the leylines and vortexes were connected with all others around the world.

Later on in the afternoon we went by taxi to another small town to visit a “Mother Mary Chapel”. A miracle happened here as “Mother Mary” showed herself to someone. Upon entering I placed a Jasper stone on the altar together with 3 small plumes. Than I was urged to sing “Ave Maria” in Latin. A connection occurred with her Light Mastery before me. When the heart connection was made I shed some tears. After this a clear quartz wand with a wooden stick which  was gifted years ago via a group called “Dragon Eggs”. A man from Holland had gifted this to the whole group via Colorado Springs to Heerhugowaard, The Netherlands (the place where I reside). I was guided to follow the “Raster of lines”, mentioned above.


Photograph taken by Lejla

An Eagle appeared in the sky – circling around or moving onwards as a kind of signal/guidance to move onwards or remain where we are. Lejla was able to read this and noticed it right away.  Gratitude Spirit.

From the Mary Chapel we went by taxi up the hill, here you could see a large cross on top of the hill. Quite a old countryside road “thumbs up for the taxi driver”. We stopped along on the countryside, as we were almost at the cross, there were many Ancient Stones connecting the Mary Chapel, Churches and the Cross. We sat in silence for awhile and sat on one of the stones there. Placed the bundle of Crystals and Crystal Stones on the Ancient Stones to communicate with each other. Before leaving as a token of gratitude I left behind a Jasper Stone on top of an Ancient Stone there.


We stepped into the tai and went onwards to the to of the Pyramid of the Moon. We first sat together to have some delicious Turkish Coffee with some fresh Orange Juice. The coffee shop also had Crystals on top of the counter mainly Calcite. There was also a wooden box with small pieces of stones/crystals. One of the crystals called and I asked the owner where does it come from? He replied from this area. It was gifted to me. When I am back in home we will make an Light Essence of this.


Lejla and I were called to further to attune and align with the Pyramid of the Moon. We walked through a passageway/portal to be guided to sit in Silence. Once more the crystal bundle called to be placed in the center of a stone platform there.  Lejla started to tone and channel, this urged the channel from my end to also start  toning together with light languages and via hand symbols. At the end once more the “Raster” came forward. After this another Jasper stone was left behind as a token of Gratitude.

Here are some intuitive photographs that Lejla was guided to take there. Thank you Dear Sister.



Than we drove back to Visoko, City Center to go to our Pyramids for  good night sleep.




Journey in Visoko, Bosnia – June 11, 2018

Journey within Visoko, Bosnia – June 11, 2018

6:11:11 – The Temple on Top of the Pyramid

Light code 124:7:13


The day started off with travelling to Ljubljana Airport to fly to Sarajevo, Bosnia.

From there a taxi to Visoko, Bosnia.


There was some misunderstanding concerning the transportation from the Airport but we made it to the Holiday Home Nature in Visoko.


At 16:00 hours we met Lejla at the “Most Restoran” in Visoko. Had a shared warm vegetarian meal with the three of us there.


From there we travelled by taxi to go to walk up the hill of the Pyramid of the Sun.


A wonderful ceremony of Unified One happened this evening with a stone that was created in Tivoli Park in Ljubljana last Sunday.

We went with a group of 4 woman for a walk on top of the Pyramid of the Sun for a worldwide meditation. We created a circle of stones, crystals, fruit etc. and connected with other Sacred places and circles around the world.


Whilst we were toning and expressing light languages/ancient codes – 2 other woman and 1 man also joined in as well. They were all energy love light workers.


Whilst the man was transforming the masculine energies, for himself and all others, I was called to give him the stone that was created in Tivoli park together with the unified loving presence of dear Souls that were met in Tivoli Park and organisation.


The man has been called to set up a program for orphan children etc. He has already received a name for it. This beautiful stone is one of the inspirations for this project.


After this we went to the top of the Pyramid of the Earth and Pyramid of Love. You could feel the swirling of the vortex going clockwise and anticlockwise.



Personal note: Such a gift that this resonant energy flowed with the Tzolkin Mayan Calendar of the seeding of Growth and Development in fertile ground guided by Divine Intelligence with the challenge, strengthening and open space of Magic in its Integrity as this hidden power was revealed via the synchronicity of navigation.




Sunday, June 10 – Ljubljana, Slovenia – Review of Journey


This video doesn’t exist

Continuation of Journey within Slovenia

– Light code 123:6:12

Sunday, June 10, 2018 – 6:1:11 – balance in its rhythm


This morning the Crystals and Crystal Skulls called again to walk and communicate together.

Inwardly felt that this would be a day of abundance within the Sacred Sanctuary of Multidimension Open Space. Certainly, in the wholeness of guidance to have the courage to explore.

In dreamtime, we were taken to a purer child playing ground and this certainly happened in the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels.


Tivoli Park is Ljubljana’s largest and most beautiful park, stretching right into the city centre. It was designed in 1813 by the French engineer Jean Blanchard and created by joining together the parks which had surrounded Podturn and Cekin Mansions. The park, covering an area of approximately five square kilometres, is crossed by three grand horse chestnut tree-lined walks and landscaped with ornamental flower beds, interesting trees and numerous statues and fountains. The park area blends into the slopes of the Rožnik hill, to which it is connected by several walking paths and a trim trail with several exercise stations along its length.


Eco Fund, Slovenian Environmental Public Fund, has been promoting environmental investments for over a quarter of a century. (Part of the theme for Tivoli Park)

For investments aimed at protecting the environment and the efficient use of energy, we offer financial incentives – grants and favourable loans, as well as free individual energy consulting for households. On their anniversary, they would like to present selected examples of good practices of co-financed investments to the public, on this exhibition in Park Tivoli.

naamloos (6)


International Center of Graphic Arts. The Museum houses a collection of fine art prints from the 20th century to the present day, a gallery of exhibition of contemporary fine art, fine art print publisher with its own printmaking workshops and the producer of the Ljubljana International Biennial of Graphic Art. Now, there is an exhibition of David Lynch – Fire on Stage.

Jakopič Promenade, a popular outdoor gallery Tivoli Park’s scenic Jakopič Promenade (Jakopičevo sprehajališče), designed by the architect Jože Plečnik in the central part of Tivoli Park, has become a well known outdoor venue for exhibitions of large-format photographs, open throughout the year.


Today were also many events for the children to become more aware of Good Food & Health, Creativity (painting a stone and origami), Mandala drawing, Yoga class, Playing the guitar, Judo and other sports, horse back riding etc.

Had an interesting talk with a man and woman who give workshops to children about Healthy Food in a creative way by making your own rice vegetable roll here in the Park. What drew me here was the pitcher of water with many crystal stones in it. When the conversation between the man and I became deeper he also told me that he also is an actor as well. The woman recycled clothes for example making an apron from a shirt. She gives workshops to children and adults. This couple also travels around the world as well sharing what they know with others.


naamloos (7)

The next stand I was drawn to like a magnet was creativity with paper and stones. Here I met Nina Kolar –


Nina’s website is in Slovenian but she speaks and writes very well English so do not hesitate to get in touch with her.

Nina invited me to paint a stone and whilst I was painting she started to talk about her passion and sharing with the world.

She had been taught via her mother and grandmother about flowers and plants in Nature. From there she started to create her speciality of jewelry. Whilst she was talking I could see her aura layers appearing which usually does not happen so quickly. The message behind this was sharing a motivation to expand her creativity even more via sharing what the jewelry does on the physical – emotional – mental – spiritual level. Along with this is what Nina is already aware of that for each person the jewelry has a special message or gift. She certainly is very well connected in her pureness.

We also talked about sharing this with schools – she mentioned that in Ljubljana there are Waldorf schools and she would consider this to see if she could give some voluntary lessons to build out her network.

Personal note: Noticed that when you allow the guidance within to lead you the most loving and sharing occurs. Gratitude always.

After this placed a short break of water plus fruit in the shade of the very ancient trees in the Park.


Walking out of the Park I was urged to visit once more another Park in the Center with a music Dome. You can find it on “Subliceva ulica” street. The day before I stopped here briefly to enjoy the dancing performances of rock and rock via teenagers and young adults. Today it was all about music – singing and playing on various instruments. Once more the performers were teenagers and young adults. The gander was blues, jazz, rock etc.

When I just arrived, a young lady sang “Jolene” from Dolly Parton. Goose bumps all over in how this young lady sang this song that I forgot to record it and share it with you. Every group sang and played one song. I have placed some music on the top of the page of one of the groups.


Gratitude everyone for sharing such a perfect day with each other.


Continuation of Journey in Slovenia – June 9, 2018

This video doesn’t exist
This video doesn’t exist
This video doesn’t exist

Continuation of Journey within Slovenia – June 9, 2018

6:9:11 – Inner and Outer Resources

This morning the Crystals and Crystal Skulls called again to walk and communicate together.

Woke up refreshed after a night of lightning and rain.

Seeing that the main theme and Ancient Codes today is to Be within Communication with Spirit we first started off visiting some churches in Ljubljana. Churches are usually build on a vortex and crossing of leylines. Along with this they are also build over Ancient Sacred Sites this is why I usually visit them to go into meditation and connect plus gather blessings for All.

Note: All images are from Google Images except the video recording of the music at the market. Thank you those that have shared these photographs.

Franciscan Church.1

It so happened that when I entered the “Franciscan Church” just before 10:00 a.m. there were already quite a few people in the church. A beautiful Organ started to play and a choir sang a classical song. It certainly touched the Heart area with the pureness of the vibrations.


General Information: The Franciscan Monastery and the Church of the Annunciation are the two buildings contributing most significantly to the appearance of the Prešernov trg square, the central square in Ljubljana. Until the end of the 18th century, the monastery was the home of Augustine monks. The Church of the Annunciation was built between 1646 and 1660. Its façade, completed around 1700, rebuilt in the 19th century and renovated in 1993, is adorned with a copper statue of St. Mary, Ljubljana’s largest Madonna statue.

The Church has a monumental main altar built by the sculptor Francesco Robba in the middel of the 18th century. The inside of the Church, painted with fresco’s by Matevž Langus in the mid-19th century, assumed its present appearance after the earthquake of 1895. Between 1935 and 1936, the Church ceiling was painted with fresco’s by Matej Sternen. In a dedicated chapel, there is a cross designed by the architect Jože Plečnik.


From there went to the “Cathedral Church of Sint Nicolas”. A very quiet and serene Church. Amazing art work as well.

Cathedral Church.1

General Information: The site of the Cathedral was originally occupied by a three-nave Romanic Church whose earliest mention dates back to 1262. After the fire of 1361 it was re-vaulted in the Gothic style. When the Ljubljana Diocese was established in 1461, the Church underwent several alterations and additions. In 1469 it was burnt down, presumably by the Turks.

Cathedral Church.Sint Nicholas

Between 1701 and 1706, a new Baroque hall Church with side chapels shaped in the form of the Latin cross was built to a design by the Jesuit architect Andrea Pozzo. As the Church’s dome was only built in 1841, originally a fake dome was painted on the arch above the centre of the cross. The surviving Baroque interior decoration notably includes fresco’s by Giulio Quaglio (painted in the periods 1703-1706 and 1721-1723), Angelo Putti’s statues of four bishops of Emona situated beneath the beams of the dome (1712-1713), Putti’s painting of Dean Janez Anton Dolničar (1715), who initiated the rebuilding of the church in 1701, Francesco Robba’s altar angels in the left part of the nave (1745-1750) and brothers Paolo and Giuseppe Groppelli’s altar angels in the right part of the nave (1711).


A host of other works of art were added later. One of the more interesting is the dome fresco painted by Matevž Langus in 1844. The most outstanding 20th century additions include Tone Demšar’s main entrance door relief depicting the history of Slovenia, commissioned to mark the 1250th anniversary of Christianity in Slovenia, and Mirsad Begić’s side doors with portraits of bishops.

Ursuline Church of the Holy Trinity Ljubljana


The third church we visited was “Ursuline Church of Holy Trinity”. A quaint silent place of peace. At the market place nearby there was some live music which distracted me so I stayed here for about 10 minutes.

General Information: Built between 1718 and 1726, it is one of the most unusual and most beautiful baroque monuments in the city. Traces of Italian baroque can be seen since the construction plans were entrusted to Carlo Martinuzzi the Furlanian architect. Besides the wavy roof and the frontal facade, some inner artistic masterpieces give the church its visual glory. A huge altar made of African marble was designed by Francesco Robba, the same artist that built the Fountain of the Three Rivers of Carniola, standing in front of the City House today (due to natural damage the original was replaced by a replica). The paintings on the side altars are work of the Slovenian painter Valentin Metzinger.


After the earthquake in 1895 the old bell tower was pulled down and a new one was built. The Staircase with balustrades in front of the church was arranged by Joze Plecnik in 1930. In front of the church and just across the road, the Holy Trinity Column can be seen, originally made of wood and placed in 1693 in thanks that the plague did not destroy the town.


Next area was the curiosity of Carla to see what kind of live music was present at the Market Place. Enjoyed the traditional Slovenia Music and my feet where into motion at this point as well.

Also at the market was some Biological Pizza, Fruit and Vegetables plus a delicious cake of coconut and chocolate nice and tasty, a combination of Breakfast and Lunch. Very busy at the Market and the atmosphere was One of Joy and Happiness.


From there we walked along the way to go to some Museums. How lovely the environment is in this city with many parks with old trees and flower/plant arrangements. Many pathways are only for pedestrians and bicycles so it is easy to walk in comfort.


The first Museum was a combination of the “National Museum of Slovenia” with the “Slovenian Museum of Natural History”.

National Museum of Slovenia.Ljubljana

The National Museum of Slovenia is in a centrally located neo-Renaissance palace built between 1883 and 1885. It keeps numerous important treasures of the world’s cultural heritage. One of the most outstanding is the 47,000-year-old Neanderthal flute from the Divje Babe excavation site. One of the spaces that impressed me was the Egyptian Mummy Room.



On the first floor of the same building is the Slovenian Museum of Natural History. The Museum keeps permanent collections of geological and paleontological items, minerals, molluscs, insects, birds, reptiles and fishes. Visitors can also view various herbarium collections, a presentation of the olm (Proteus anguinus), and alpine wetland and forest dioramas.

Slovenian Museum of Natural History.Ljubljana

Some main items we saw were dugout canoe from the Ljubljana Marsh, The flute from Divje Babe, Gold Ornaments from Bled, Boundary Stone, Ivory Dolls, Germanic Ornamentation from Carnium and Wooden traps from the Ljubljana Marsh.

Personal note: This was one of the favorite museums I visited today seeing that it had so many minerals in their raw nature. The crystals and crystal skulls that travelled with me today also were jumping for joy here as well. Outside was a nice park where I could eat more of my lunch and it was fascinating to see how many school students also were visiting here as well.


From here we walked to visit the Metelkova area.


General Information: Metelkova (full name in Slovene: Avtonomni kulturni center Metelkova mesto, “Metelkova City Autonomous Cultural Center”, referred to by the acronym AKC) is an autonomous social and cultural center in the city center of Ljubljana’s capital city. Formerly, the site was a military headquarter of the Army of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, then it became the Slovenian headquarter of the Yugoslav National Army. It consists of seven buildings (military barracks) extended over a total area of 12,500 m², which have been squatted since September 1993. The squat is named after nearby Metelko Street (Slovene: Metelkova ulica), which is named after the 19th-century Slovenian Roman Catholic priest, philologist, and unsuccessful language reformer Fran Metelko.

In 1991 the Network of Metelkova, composed of more than 200 alternative and youth organizations, asked the municipality of Ljubljana for permission to use those barracks for peaceful and creative purposes. As a response, Ljubljana authorities gave the Network for Metelkova formal permission to stay and use the site. Nevertheless, those promises given by the municipality were never really maintained. This example on the request for permission demonstrates the ambiguous role of the municipality of Ljubljana towards the Network for Metelkova, in which the municipality seems to allow them to stay there, but in fact she doesn’t want them to stay.

This ambiguous role of the municipality of Ljubljana regarding Metelkova and its Network has remained over the years. In 1993 the cultural center became a squat when a commissioner mandated the demolition of some barracks that were promised to the Network, with the aim of illegally reconverting the area into a commercial site. At that time, Metelkova came into being as an illegal occupation (a squat) and was redefined as a self-organized autonomous zone in 1995.

Since then, the center has been a site of tolerance of minorities, even though it is still threatened by the bad treatment it receives by the city and the Slovene state.

Another example of the ambiguity in state and municipality actions towards the Network for Metelkova and Metelkova itself are the subsidies from Ljubljana’s city administration for the construction of a little summer lodge also known as the Small School (from the Slovene: Mala Šola). Nevertheless, the lodge, planned and constructed in 2001 by volunteers, was immediately defined as abusive. In fact, the construction was followed by the request of its demolition, right after another municipal office reported it to the State Inspectorate for the Environment and Spatial Planning. After several failed attempts, the building was demolished on August 2, 2006. Although there are plans to rebuild the building, it has not been reconstructed since then.

In the 2000s, new actors became involved in the Metelkova autonomous zone, for example the LGBT community, other non-governmental organizations and even UNESCO. Although it did not help Metelkova to receive proper legal status, the area was recognized as a national cultural heritage back in 2005.


Metelkova and concepts of urbanism

Over the last few years Metelkova, like Christiania in Copenhagen, has been the subject of several studies and reflections on the phenomenon of squatting and on living with different laws and institutions that surround it. These districts mentioned above can be defined as heterotopic spaces since they have been present for decades in parallel to the cities of which they are legally part. Nevertheless, they are characterized by a particular relationship with the authorities of their cities in comparison to other districts.


Nowadays, it can be said that there are three different areas in Metelkova: one part is defined by art and social life, the second by civil engagement and the third is commercial; the squatters act in all three areas mentioned. Metelkova’s differentiation into three possible sub-entities can be seen through the arrival of different institutional actors in the neighborhood, such as the Museum of Contemporary Art, different NGOs and different commercial activities, such as the Hotel Celica, which reuses some of the areas of the old barracks.

Squatters represent the heart of the matter of legality and formality in Metelkova: the autonomous part is considered to be in a legal and administrative limbo defined through tolerance and legitimization toward city’s authority. A possible explanation for this situation is to be found in the nature of the squatting in Metelkova: in fact, the old buildings of the Yugoslav army are not occupied for the sole purpose of living there, but also for the aim of producing culture. From this perspective, it is possible to determine the beginning of the tolerance: since 1997, when Ljubljana was designated as the European Capital of Culture, Metelkova stopped hosting permanent residents, following an agreement reached with the municipality, whereby the city decided to dedicate the Metelkova buildings to the promotion of culture and art.

Finally, the example of Metelkova can be related to the concept of informality in order to explain the situation: at its very first beginning, Metelkova could be considered as completely informal since the occupation of the military warehouse by the squatters was considered illegal and not rules- and code-compliant. Nowadays the situation has slightly changed: the city of Ljubljana is now linked to the Metelkova’s site, for example thanks to the presence of different institutional actors. It is therefore possible to assume that the situation is constantly changing and that a part of Metelkova is actually normalized and institutionalized, despite the fact that the type of culture and urban development is still not compliant with building codes and urban planning regulation.

Personal note: It gives a kind of isolated and eerie feeling when you are walking there. Most unfortunate for those that have placed there love and energy into this area. Beautiful art work can be seen also the graffiti is fabulous.


Slovenian Ethnographic Musum.Ljubljana

Nearby is the Slovenian Ethnographic Museum. The Slovene Ethnographic Museum is a museum “about people, for people”, a museum of cultural identities, the link between the past and the present, between our own and other cultures, between nature and civilization. At this moment, the exhibitions are: “Between Nature and Culture” – The treasure house of Slovene and non-European heritage of the everyday and the festive. The next floor “I, We and Others”: Images of my World – an exhibition about man and his place in the world; about personal, communal and universal heritage.

Slovene Etnographic Museum.the-folklore

Personal note: Certainly, inspiring open space to dwell and linger here. In this open space it was now around 15:00 hours and a signal to go back to the room to relax and integrate what has be shared and picked up.










Continuation of Review of Journey in Slovenia – June 8

Journey within Slovenia – June 8, 2018

This morning the Crystals and Crystal Skulls called to come with me for this journey.

We were met by the guide from “To Do in Slovenia”, Vladimir Aka Fossil, at 08:30 at the Central Hotel in Ljubljana. We than went to pick up the other group members in Ljubljana at their Hotels. The group consisted of 2 ladies from Japan, 1 lady from Calgary, Alberta, Canada and 2 ladies and a gentleman from British Columbia, Canada. Quite an international together where English was mostly spoken.


The guide Vladimir had many legends and stories to tell on the way to “Postojna” especially about the old culture and how the grandmother(s) was the head of the family but also of small villages. She shares her stories and knowledge with the family (children, grandchildren) plus also with others. Also, old recipes are shared and written down in a notebook. Sundays are special when the family comes together and share a meal that the grandmother has cooked or one of the members of the family. How in the villages this still exists such as trading products or services with each other without the use of money systems such as banks etc. (Synchronicity here as well with the Tzolkin Mayan Calendar of this day and evening – Imix, Red Dragon (Ancient Mother (Gaia/Pachamama, Grandmother/Mothers with the Higher Self or Highest Good together with Guidance – Caban, Red Earth (navigation/synchronicity).


One of the examples Vladimir shared was if there is one person in the village that has a tractor instead of every (small) farm having one. The One tractor that may be needed at that moment by someone is than shared and traded with products or service (hours) that is needed such as taking care of a home/garden whilst someone is away etc. A family house in the village is build floor by floor (have heard this from other cultures as well such as Egypt, Croatia, Turkey etc.). The grandparents live on the first floor, next floor are the children of the grandparents, next floor the children of the children etc. The house is not sold but is kept in the family.


Along with this Vladimir told of the history of Slovenia, various explanations about the pronunciation of names and the backgrounds of the names. Also, how Slovenia was influenced by wars and various other countries that had taken over.


He also had a great sense of humor with his philosophic jokes. The moment we stepped into the van he kept his stories going until we came to the cave or castle. Certainly, the group had fun along the way. (Love how this synchronised with the Tzolkin Day Energy of challenging, strengthening and open space of Chuen, Blue Monkey).


The country side we drove along was so serene and with such graceful beauty of Mother Nature – the trees, the hills, the villages and gardens of the homes still mostly in a pure state. I felt very peaceful, respectful and in harmony with these surroundings. You also see many wild flowers and herbs growing along the way and these are certainly still used for cooking, making liquor, wine or beer, medicinal purpose and I saw etheric oils plus soaps that are made from this as well. Honey is one of the main local products, olive oils, truffles and mushrooms. There is of course more than this that the local people grow such as their own vegetables and especially potatoes, goat cheese etc.


Personal note: I had packed a small lunch (goat cheese, homemade bread plus red and green paprika which came in very handy seeing there was not much space in between to have lunch.


The Postojna Cave


General Information:

The network of cave passages in Predjama is more than 14 km in length; it covers the area both under and behind the castle, as well as a hidden passageway that leads from the castle into the open. Although the cave is a branched and long one, only the 700-metre long section closest to the entrance is open for regular visitor tours. The 700 meters accessible to visitors encompass the Stable, the Main Passage, the Passage of Names, the Great Hall and Fiženca, where the exit to the surface is located.

Postojna Cave was carved by the Pivka River over millions of years. There are stalagmites, stalactites, and formations called curtains or draperies that look like folded curtains.

The cave system is 24.12 kilometers (14.99 mi) long and is made up of four caves interconnected through the same underground river. However, according to speleology rules, the passages and siphons connecting the caves must be walked or swum through by man for them to be considered one whole. Connecting two of the main cave systems will make this the longest cave system in Slovenia and one of the longest in all of Europe. There remain 400 meters (1,300 ft) between the two caves, which would make the cave system between 31,000 meters (102,000 ft) and 35,000 meters (115,000 ft) long.

The cave was first described in the 17th century by the pioneer of study of karst phenomena, Johann Weikhard von Valvasor, although graffiti inside dated to 1213 indicates a much longer history of use. In 1818, when the cave was being prepared for a visit by Francis I, the first Emperor of the Austria-Hungary, a new area of the cave was discovered accidentally by local Luka Cec. In the 1850s, the Austrian-Czech geographer Adolf Schmidl published the first comprehensive scientific overview of the Postojna caves and the Pivka Basin, which became a standard reference point in the study of speleology.

Personal note: the guided tour inside the cave consists of train ride plus walking through the caves of limestone (white, red and green) and at the end a train ride again. It felt very mystical to be there and at any moment I was expecting Merlin the magician/wizard or other elementals. Beautiful how each stone was like a sculpture of beauty. I could see various creatures in the sculptures and smiling faces. It brought back memories of Lemuria and Atlantis culture. Could feel that the crystals and crystal skulls were enjoying the journey as well.

th (2)

It had always been a wish to go to a cave and this certainly was an amazing experience of gratitude. I am not one of taking photographs so I found some images via Google images to share some expressions of the cave. Thank you to those that have made the effort to share these photographs with everyone.


Natural environment

The caves are also home to the endemic olm, the largest troglodytic amphibian in the world. The tour through the caves includes an aquarium with some olms in it. On January 30, 2016, a female olm at the cave began to lay over 50 eggs. This rare event led to global news about Postojna Cave and the olm. From the end of May to mid-July 2016, twenty-two baby olms successfully hatched. Karst topography refers to a plateau in southwestern Slovenia and northeastern Italy, which gave the name to karst topography.

Environmental issues

Water from karst springs is important for the water supply; drinking water from karst aquifers supplies one-fourth of the world and half of Slovenia’s population. The vulnerability of caves is high due to the nature of water drainage in karst areas and its limited self-cleaning capacity. Surface pollutants like pesticides, heavy metals, and fertilizers, which seep into subterranean waters, pose a great danger to cave-dwelling animals, including the olm, for which prolonged exposure to pollution may prove fatal. The olm’s natural habitats are therefore part of the European Natura 2000 Network.


The next stop was Predjama Castle

The castle was first mentioned in the year 1274 with the German name Luegg, when the Patriach of Aquileia built the castle in Gothic style. The castle was built under a natural rocky arch high in the stone wall to make access to it difficult. It was later acquired and expanded by the Luegg noble family, also known as the Knights of Adelsberg (the German name of Postojna).

Predjama Castle- Postojna, Slovenia

A vertical natural shaft leads out of the original castle, which Erazem ordered to be enlarged, and leads to the exit located at the top of the cliff, 25 meters away from the cliff’s edge. This shaft allowed Erazem to secretly supply the castle with food in the time of the siege; he also used it to continue with his robberies.


Popular culture

Predjama Castle was used as the castle featured in the 1986 movie Armour of God by Harvest starring Jackie Chan, Alan Tam, Rosamund Kwan and Lola Former. It was also investigated for paranormal activity in a 2008 episode of Ghost Hunters International on Sci Fi Channel. It was also the filming location of Laibach’s Sympathy for The Devil cover’s music video.


Personal note: Guidance assisted here to not take an audio guide with me at the ticket office. By the entrance hall it felt okay to connect but as soon as I started to enter a chamber here I was urged to leave this Castle. Later Vladimir, the guide of the tour for today, came towards me and asked what my experience was. He told me more of the history and what all went on amongst people and energy field there. It certainly answered my question why I was urged to leave the Castle. There were still much negative or dark energies still existing here. My sensibility was in an alert state as I felt certain pulls around me. Thank you, guidance and Vladimir for the clarity in this.

The energy of the surroundings of Nature assisted here to be in balance again.

End of the Tour

We than drove back to Ljubljana as a group and from there went our own way. We all thanked Vladimir for his presence and sharing’s.

Personal Note: I than first went to the food festival market which is every Friday in the center of the city. Nice fragrances and aromatics flowed here. A happy to see and feel how people come together to enjoy each other company and the food that is gifted.

I than decided to visit the Ljubljana Castle which is also on top of a hill in the center of the city. Once more I had the same experience to leave here as soon as possible. It became even more clearer to me that these still carry old programs and systems that no longer serve the Pure Heart Love of Multiuniversal Grace and the Grace of the Crystal Core of Earth.

The final activity for this day was to go on a boat ride over the Ljubljanica River for about 45 minutes. Quite relaxing to spend the rounding of this day in circle.

